Documentation and Monitoring Committee

Documentation and monitoring committee of Tchogha Zanbil World Heritage Base started to work in 2000 with the purpose of advancing preservation and restoration, archaeology, geology, and architecture of the site. The expansion and vastitude of the site as well as the abundant information requiring analysis, processing, and extraction led to applying various methods of documentation. Initially, the committee would document the architectural remnants of the site manually according to each group’s demands. Later, after equipping this committee with advanced modern facilities, its tasks extended and newer methods such as photogrammetry and laser scan were utilized.
Documentation is now done for conducting more accurate scientific studies, more efficient restoration and preservation, more effective introduction, better monitoring and precise record at the sites of Tchogh Zanbil and Haft Tappeh.
Haft Tappeh and Tchogha Zanbil constant monitoring with an approach to their preservation and restoration makes up part of this committee’s main duties. Different types of monitoring are intermittently done under various circumstances including emergencies like torrential rains. Moreover, using remote-sensing technologies has considerably helped monitoring the sites at diverse places with different vegetation, watercourses, gullies, surface temperature, and site annual, monthly or daily changes.